sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014


From weekipedia:

International Women's Day (IWD), also called International Working Women's Day, is celebrated on March 8 every year. In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political, and social achievements. Started as a Socialist political event, the holiday blended in the culture of many countries, primarily in Europe, including Russia. In some regions, the day lost its political flavor, and became simply an occasion for men to express their love for women in a way somewhat similar to a mixture of Mother's Day and Valentine's Day. In other regions, however, the political and human rights theme designated by the United Nations runs strong, and political and social awareness of the struggles of women worldwide are brought out and examined in a hopeful manner. This is a day which some people celebrate by wearing purple ribbons. 

To celebrate the most important day ever created for us, I would give you some artworks related with womens in some kind of sense... As always, I would ask you if for you those pieces of art (in my opinion) can be considered as culture...or not????????

Frida Kahlo
Pies, ¿para qué los quiero si tengo alas para volar?


Soy dura, ambiciosa, y sé exactamente lo que quiero. Si eso me convierte en una zorra, ¡de acuerdo!

Hellen Keller

Nunca se debe gatear cuando se tiene el impulso de volar

Maria Mercè Marçal i Serra

A l'atzar agraeixo tres dons: 
haver nascut dona,de classe baixa i nació oprimida.
I el tèrbol atzur de ser tres voltes rebel.

El baño turco, Georgia o'Keffe, Pin-up n.9 Starring Jennifer Miller..

La Venus de Milo

“Sin ti las emociones de hoy sólo serían las envolturas muertas de las del ayer” (Amelie)

Siempre se llega a alguna parte si se camina lo bastante. (Alicia en el país de las maravillas)

Creo que es oficial. Estoy enamorado de Summer. Me encanta su sonrisa, su pelo, sus rodillas. Adoro la marca de nacimiento en forma de corazón que tiene en su cuello, cómo lame sus labios antes de hablar algunas veces. O el sonido de su risa, que es como cuando estás dormido. Escucho una canción de amor cada vez que pienso en ella. Me encanta cómo me hace sentir. Como si todo fuera posible, como... como si la vida valiese la pena / Odio a Summer. Odio sus dientes torcidos, su peinado de 1960, odio sus rodillas huesudas, odio su lunar en el cuello que parece una cucaracha, odio la forma en que se moja los labios antes de hablar. Odio el sonido de su risa. ¡Odio esta canción! (500 días juntos)

I could be all the day posting things.. but I also think that a person has to discover what is art and also what is culture on his or her own way. And in this way you can also see that there are only a few artworks in which womens don't appear, it is interesting to think about it....
What is in this post today is culture for me: the culture of some sentences, paitings, songs, sculptures or significant parts of films and books. They make me feel and reflect, I can be for a long time reading, seeing or listening and thinking, it always make me feel.
Enjoy it, I do it!!!!!!!!!

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