martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

Culture is about LITERATURE.

Another known art is literature.
What you cannot find in literature (books, quotes, sentences...) you cannot find in another place.
In literature all is possible and all appears, in one or in another book. That's why writting is an art and it is difficult to make all people feel indetificated with a text.
That's what good writters do: make people feel and use irony.

There you can find a list of the best 100 books ever written: 100 BEST BOKS

Now I'm reading an interesting book called ''Ha vuelto'' written by Timur Vermes. Is a comedy that that talks bout Hitler living once again. He got up in Berlin in 2011. The book makes you laught from Hitler but also laught with Hitler. Is it legal???? Discover it by reading the book!!!!

Enjoy lecture!

See you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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