miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Culture is about BEING DIFFERENT.

''18 cosas que las personas altamente creativas no hacen igual que el resto''

Discover what creative people do...

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014


Sant Jordi is my favourite day and its very ancient tradition in Catalonia.
This day is magic.
The tradition consists in the following:
Mans has to buy a rose for womans and womans has to buy a book for those mans.
But of course it is only the Catalan culture... Sant Jordi is a international day and every country has given a meaning to it.

(see the information in: SANT JORDI'S INFORMATION )

What I would show of this day are things that I consider as culture, because they are very artistic and they make you feel, it's a very special day and all is magic this day.

That's why I will show some of my poems (or a part of them) that I like a lot...

Creo que no te quiero, que solamente quiero la imposibilidad tan obvia de quererte. Como el guante izquierdo enamorado de la mano derecha. -Julio Cortázar

Así que uno planta su propio jardín y decora su propia alma, en lugar de esperar a que alguien le traiga flores.- Jorge Luís Borges

Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos- Pablo Neruda

Dins un cafè ple de brogit, en un racó,
inclinat sobre la taula, seu un vell,
amb un diari al davant, sense companyia.

I en el desengany de la vellesa miserable,
pensa que fruí molt poc dels seus anys,
llavors que tenia força, eloqüència, bellesa.

Sap que ha envellit molt. Se n’adona, ho comprèn.
I el temps en què era jove li sembla com ahir.
Quin interval tan curt, quin interval tan curt!

I pensa: la Saviesa, ah, com es burlava d’ell,
com hi va confiar sempre, quina follia!
Ella, mesquina, li deia: “Demà. Tens molt de temps”.

Recorda els impulsos que va haver de refrenar i tantes
alegries sacrificades. Ara, cada bona ocasió perduda
es mofa de la seva prudència insensata.

Però a força d’haver reflexionat i recordat tantes coses,
el vell ha quedat ben atordit. I s’adorm
recolzant el cap sobre la taula del cafè. -
Konstandinos Kavafis

The tipical rose...

And the imagination that Sant Jordi' day brings to us to create different things as funny and beautiful as this ones...

(mrwonderful is a little bit comercial but it's funny and beautiful sometimes!!)

See you!

martes, 22 de abril de 2014


Death in Venice is a novella written by the German author Thomas Mann, first published in 1912 as Der Tod in Venedig.[1] The work presents a great writer suffering writer's block who visits Venice and is liberated, uplifted, and then increasingly obsessed, by the sight of a stunningly beautiful youth. Though he never speaks to the boy, much less touches him, the writer finds himself drawn deep into ruinous inward passion; meanwhile, Venice, and finally the writer himself, succumb to a cholera plague. The novella is powerfully intertextual, with the chief sources being first the connection of erotic love to philosophical wisdom traced in Plato's Symposium and Phaedrus, and second theNietzschean contrast between the god of restraint and shaping form, Apollo, and the god of excess and passion, Dionysus.
The boy in the story (Tadzio) is based on a boy (Władzio or Tadzio, nicknames for the Polish name Władyslaw or Tadeusz respectively) Mann had seen during a visit to Venice in 1911.

(from weekipedia)

After reading Death in Venice and watched the film at class I would like to do few reflection.
My first opinion of the book is good, because is strange but at the same time interesting. What makes the book interesting is the biography of the author that the book hides. Read this book is a good exercise to invest about the life of the author and also see how it has impact on the book. In a few words: the book shows what the author tries to hide in his real life.

Then, about the film, first of all I want to say that I consider cinema as an art and also a culture on itself. But not all the films have the same characteristics and in consequence they have more or less attractive. When I use attractive I refer to the characteristics that an artwork needs to have: make you feel, make you reflect, make you invest...
So, for me this film is not as attractive as the book is and in consequence I cannot consider the result as art or as culture. 
It's a little big contradictory to say that cinema is an art and a film is not but as I said it deppends on the film, as well as I don't consider all the paitings art, or all the music, or all the books, or all the spots... etc.

What do you think? Am I wrong? Do you agree?

See you!!!

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014